From January to June 1990, I lived over a shop called 'Eddie's Electrics' on Bridge St. Dundalk. I'd like to say the experience was memorable but alas, it most certainly was not! St. Nicholas's Church was pretty much on my door step, not 50 meters away and in my time in Dundalk, I never darkened it's door. I found myself back in Dundalk one morning this week and after polishing off a tasty breakfast roll and coffee while parked on Bridge St. I decided to explore the photographic possibilities that st. Nicholas's might present.
Photo: Lens 10-20mm wide-angle @ 10mm. IS0 100. f/10. 3 shot bracketed exposures of 1.0, 0.5 and 1.5 seconds.
Photo: Lens 10-20mm wide-angle @ 10mm. IS0 100. f/10. 3 shot bracketed exposures of 1.0, 0.5 and 1.5 seconds.