Today was the Winter Solstice, shortest day of the year. I usually make a special effort to capture the rising or setting sun if possible, just to mark the occasion. However, the area about Boyle was shrouded in freezing fog for most of the day so there wasn't a sniff of the sun to be seen. There was moonlight though, plenty of it on account of the full-moon. It remains cold and is difficult moving about to nail a decent location so I stayed near home instead. A familiar subject to those who follow my work.
Photo: One of many moonlight shots. This is a six minute exposure and includes some light painting using a Nikon SB 800 speedlight @ 1/1 and a 20 second burst of light from the shed (anymore than 20 seconds and highlight detail is lost). Lens; Sigma 10-20mm wide-angle.
ISO 100. 6 minutes @ f/10.