January 6, 2011


On this day in 1540, King Henry VIII of England was married to Anne of Cleves, his fourth wife.

Drumod Revisited

Disillusioned with yesterdays shot of Drumod station, I returned today about half an hour after sunset (5.00pm). I still wouldn't be happy with this interpretation although the exposure is generally better with more detail in surfaces. By chance, I just about managed to catch the train pulling away from the platform which added a bit of movement to this otherwise static scene.

Photo: same as previous shot except this is a shorter exposure at 10 seconds and aperture closed down to f/13.

Annaville Ranelagh Dublin

A trip down memory lane for me with this one. Had reason to be in Ranelagh, Dublin today and parked my car in Annaville. I lived in a basement flat here for a number of years in the late 1980's. I distinctly remember that my rent was £18 per week and was collected by a very pleasant lady called Elizebeth whose brother, Ambrose, lived above me. They were relatively difficult times but I was very happy here.