I spent a very enjoyable Saturday afternoon with some friends from Boyle Camera Club taking long-exposure images along the Sligo coast. We were accompanied by long-exposure virtuoso, Rohan Reilly, who shared his expertise with us during a long, cold, exhausting but very enjoyable day. Fair play to the lads who were on the coast since 6.30am!
Photo: ISO 800. 254 seconds @ f/5.6. Last shot of the day for me. The light was fading fast so rather than lose it I pushed the ISO to 800 to facilitate a 4-minute exposure (any longer and I figured noise would kill the image). Also I opened the aperture to f/5.6, usually I'd be shooting at f/16 for this kind of shot but there is no obvious impact on the depth of field. As ever, a combination of very low light and long exposure time will certainly result in some noise. In this case, I had to do some minor spot-healing in PS but the result came out better than I'd expected.
A single exposure using a Lee filter system and combining a 3-stop Hard Gran ND and 10-stop ND filters.