It's been 20-years or more since I'd been inside St. Patrick's Cathedral, I'd forgotten how beautiful it was. My visit today was formal, attending the funeral of the late Patricia Casey. The ceremony was a splendid and emotional event, punctuated with contributions from a number of sacred music choirs. It was a great send-off and the sun shone to escort her on her journey. My thoughts are presently with Patricia's husband, Eddie.
I had the camera in my deep coat pocket (never leave home without it) and stole a few images of the interior after the ceremony. Hand-held, I resorted to pressing the camera against columns or firming it on raised seat ends. It's been a while since I'd shot a church interior and played with the complexities of atmospheric light.
At ISO 650, the result is a little soft but acceptable under the conditions. Minor tweaks in ACR. If you've not been here before, it's worth a visit. I was lucky to have a few minutes alone before the tourists returned. Magical!