Photo: 70-200mm lens at 200mm. ISO 200. 1/500 @ f/5.6
Coming through the village of Cootehill early the other morning in the lashing rain, I noticed this little gem on the main street and thought it worth recording. I think it was the care and attention given to the arrangement of the various bottles and jugs, a fine collection of whiskeys indeed. There was a symmetry here, seldom seen in a pub window display, the old net curtain was a background bonus.
Photo: Shot from the open window in the car. Even though my long lens, a nikon 70-200 f/2.8 G VR is very capable of retaining sharpness at slow shutter speeds, I find it performs best at a speed of 1/250 or greater, particularly at the 200mm end. People often complain to me about the lack of sharpness in their long-lens images - most of the time its because the shutter speed is too slow. As a rule-of-thumb (very rough guide here) you will get good results if your minimum shutter speed is similar (or greater than >) to the focal length you are using, i.e. 70mm>1/60, 100mm>1/100, 200mm>1/200.
ISO 400. 1/320 @ f/2.8