It's amazing how the absence of daylight transforms familiar locations. I must say, I love the challenges posed by low-light/no-light photography. On this occasion however, I must commend the technology and its ability to capture the scene as you see it above. This is a single exposure, not bracketed or enhanced. Processing involved a white balance tweak in ACR and an adjustment to the Curve, otherwise it's as the camera captured it. I think this is the first time I've used a long lens in low-light, usually extended focal lengths can be problematic regarding camera shake, however tonight was calm and without wind. The river that flows through Boyle is a great location for this type of shot, especially on a night like this.
Photo: Boyle at Night, shot on tripod, mirror-lock in UP position and using a cable-release. Focus; Manual. ISO 100. 6 second exposure @ f/9