September 3, 2010


In 1752, this day never happened nor the next 10 as England adopts the Gregorian Calendar. There were riots in the streets as people thought the government stole 11 days of their lives.

Thursday Night Boyle

A very hot day today in Ireland, what a great beginning to Autumn. Afraid I saw little of it though, I'm spending my days editing a serious back-log of photo projects and no end in sight any time soon. Didn't stop me tonight though. This one taken from The Crescent in Boyle at about 9.30pm when there was still a little light in the sky.

Photo: This is an in-camera multiple exposure of 10 shots. You need a perfectly still night and a lot of weight on your tripod to do this with a long lens. If you live in Boyle, expect to see me about in the coming nights as I intend to collect a few of these this week.
ISO 100. 10 x 10 second exposures (combined = 100 seconds) @ f/14