October 4, 2010


On this day in 1539, King Henry VIII married his fourth wife, Anna of Kleef.

Medieval Still Life

I can remember the smallest details, places, emotions and smells from my youth which I regularly revisit with longing and relish. Ask me what I was doing yesterday? ... I find it difficult to recall. Is that normal? I was coming out the gate of King House Sunday afternoon and saw the medieval enactment personnel having their medieval supper. They drew quite a crowd and looked very impressive in their costumes and assorted weapons. I didn't photograph them, the light was harsh and the background not complimentary but I was drawn to the vessels on the table which they used in the preparation of their meal. I used a long lens here to flatten the perspective and retain the dark background. Natural light with a studio quality reminiscent of Caravaggio and the dramatic lighting of the Baroque.

Photo: Snapshot, processed as you see it in ACR and slight crop in PS. Lens; 70-200mm @ 150mm. ISO 400. 1/1000 @ f/5.6