This young Roscommon man is developing a healthy interest in photography and lately I seem to be calling on him regularly for his assistance and expertise in photographic matters.
Photos: Both these taken with the LX5. The above at the RDS in Dublin.
Photos: Both these taken with the LX5. The above at the RDS in Dublin.
This gentleman was fully absorbed in his painting of a large rendition of a 'Mocha' inspired illustration. I have great admiration for all Street Artists and Performers, particularly in this day and age when they are struggling to make a living. On this occasion I was a bit strapped for cash myself but was more that happy to share a portion of my €2.00 worth of bananas purchased in Moore Street. The artist was equally happy to accept the offer but too busy for a bit of banter ... otherwise I could have accompanied this post with his name.
Photo: O'Connell St. Dublin.
Photo: O'Connell St. Dublin.