There's nothing quite as awe-inspiring as an Autumn sunrise. Just before the sun broke the horizon this morning (7.30am), the sky burst into flame. I was approaching the Mullingar by-pass and didn't find an appropriate landscape to compliment the scene. I wouldn't be a great lover of this kind of shot, I've seen such scapes executed exquisitely by photographers with greater talent than me and could not compete. None-the-less, I was compelled to record it. I'd go so far as to say, if I was not in the habit of contributing to this 365, there are many photos here I would not have bothered to take, I guess that's the whole point of this exercise really.
Photo: Shooting a sunrise, you really need to be on location a good 30 minutes before the sun hits the horizon. You can download a sunrise prediction mobile phone application that will give you a fairly accurate indication of the sunrise times. This works in tandem with the phones GPS capability.
Here, I simply pulled the car over when I found a subject I could use as foreground interest in the shot, in this case; the pole, transformer and crows. I would have no interest shooting the sky alone for its own sake (not even for my collection).
The shot was processed using the default settings in ARC then cropped in PS, nothing else.
The shot was processed using the default settings in ARC then cropped in PS, nothing else.
Lens - 70-200mm @ 200mm. ISO 100. 1/250 @ f/2.8