September 30, 2010


On this day in 1452, Johann Guttenberg's Bible becomes the first published book.


There's nothing quite as awe-inspiring as an Autumn sunrise. Just before the sun broke the horizon this morning (7.30am), the sky burst into flame. I was approaching the Mullingar by-pass and didn't find an appropriate landscape to compliment the scene. I wouldn't be a great lover of this kind of shot, I've seen such scapes executed exquisitely by photographers with greater talent than me and could not compete. None-the-less, I was compelled to record it. I'd go so far as to say, if I was not in the habit of contributing to this 365, there are many photos here I would not have bothered to take, I guess that's the whole point of this exercise really.

Photo: Shooting a sunrise, you really need to be on location a good 30 minutes before the sun hits the horizon. You can download a sunrise prediction mobile phone application that will give you a fairly accurate indication of the sunrise times. This works in tandem with the phones GPS capability.
Here, I simply pulled the car over when I found a subject I could use as foreground interest in the shot, in this case; the pole, transformer and crows. I would have no interest shooting the sky alone for its own sake (not even for my collection).
The shot was processed using the default settings in ARC then cropped in PS, nothing else.
Lens - 70-200mm @ 200mm. ISO 100. 1/250 @ f/2.8

September 29, 2010


On this day in 1758, England's Admiral Horatio Nelson was born.

Two Skies

On the journey home this evening, I was treated to some dramatic activity in the sky. I've been collecting skyscapes for many years, notably for the purpose of adding them to landscapes where the sky activity is lacking. This is a fairly standard operation among landscape photographers, a novice technique that can be done relatively seamlessly in Photoshop. On my last tally, my collection stands at 5,329 variations of cloud formation. In my haste to record these samples, I neglected to readjust the settings on my camera (I'd been shooting some Small JPEGs for a web project) which effected the quality of the recorded images and my ability to do much editing. None the less, I'm sure to find a use for them at some stage - great for backgrounds on website/blog headers.

Photo: Both shot in Manual Mode and in JPEG format, Fine Quality 2144 x 1424 pixels @ 300dpi. I would normally shoot these in RAW. When shooting skies, I always pay very close attention to the histogram and highlights reading in the camera, making sure not to over-expose highlights. On this occasion, I was lucky that I'd done this, otherwise I'd have been left with plenty of blown-out white areas with little chance of saving any of the detail in post-production.
To preserve the integrity of the images as much as possible, I opened them in ACR (it is possible to edit JPEG files in the RAW converter - I recommend it!) and editing in 16bit, made small adjustments to HSL only. I subsequently opened them in PS and saved them as TIF files.
Both images; Lens 10-20mm @ 10mm. ISO 320. 1/640 @ f/11.

Tip; Always keep a little of the landscape in the sky-shot, its very helpful when trying to reconcile the accuracy of cloud perspective when using it as a composite.

September 28, 2010


On this day in 1066, England was invaded by William the Conqueror who claimed the English throne.


Sometimes, beauty is seen in the simplest things.

Photo: Hen Feather, this is a composite shot. The reflection is an inverted duplicate of the original shot, transformed and blended on a black background layer. Lighting is natural. Just one of a few versions of the shot, once isolated against black, it can be good fun playing about with composition possibilities.

September 27, 2010


On this day in 1864, Jesse James' Gang surprise attack train: 150 killed.

Boyle Bridge St

Students returned to college today, major buzz about the campus and the weather was good to-boot.
I've heard rumours that October will be dry, if so, it will be perfect for night photography. I took this test shot tonight for the Boyle at Night set I mentioned earlier in the blog. I'm thinking of a shot from this view-point but need to catch it with some light in the sky so as to silhouette the rooftops. I'm thinking that pre-dawn will be better than evening at this time of year. I'm still scouting for locations in the area at this stage, not having taken too many I would be entirely happy with just yet.

Photo: Test Shot - No attempt to disguise blown highlights, lens flare or light contamination in this single frame. Heavy Tripod used here. This is another 10-shot, in-camera multiple exposure. Lens - 17-55mm @ 38mm. IS0 100. Each shot 10 seconds @ f/11. Post-processing done in ARC, adjustment to White Balance and Contrast and slight tweaking using HSL.

If interested in this kind of photography, check out Blake Gordon's NIGHT WALKS.

September 26, 2010


On this day in 1957, Musical "West Side Story," opens on Broadway.

The Lane Before Dawn

Sometimes, beautiful light can present itself in the most unlikely places, and at unusual times. During the Summer, I spent a couple of nights on Inis Oirr, smallest of the Aran Islands off the West coast of Ireland. This shot was taken in the early hours of the morning (about 4.30am) on my way home, after a great oul night, from the local teach ól. It was my first time on the Island and I found it to be a magical place, one I will return to soon I hope.

Photo: Taken just before dawn. There was no dramatic sunrise this particular morning due to cloud cover, none the less, the sky contained enough drama and colour as a background to the power generator shed bathed in the soft tungsten light. A single frame, processed in ACR with some adjustments to white balance and contrast. Lens - Sigma 10-20mm wide-angle @ 15mm. ISO 100. 2.5 seconds @ f/5.6

September 25, 2010


On this day in 1493, Christopher Columbus left Spain with 17 ships on his second voyage to the Western Hemisphere.

Autumn Hedgerow

Autumn has now taken a firm grip on the Irish landscape and temperatures have fallen steadily these past few weeks. It will soon be time to kick-start the boiler and get a fill of oil.

Photo: Hand-held, just a snap shot of the ditch near home, the blackberries are ripening, the chestnuts are falling and a different set of colour hues breath across the landscape. I like Autumn and harvest time, low-light and crisp air ... the nights are particularly good at the moment for photography.
I'm a bit disappointed with this one, I'd deliberately set the aperture to f/4.5 so as to blur the background but hoped to keep that fence post and wire in focus. Reviewing this, I would say the reason f/4.5 didn't handle it was because of my close proximity to the foreground bush. Had I took a few steps back and used the zoom (from 32mm to 55mm) to reframe, I'd say I would have fixed that post a bit better.
Lens - 17-55mm @ 32mm. ISO 200. 1/800 @ f/4.5

September 24, 2010


On this day in 1991, Nirvana's album "Nevermind" was released. Classic!

Old Friends Together Again

Was in the Bricklieve Mountains with the Family a short time ago to visit the ancient tombs of Carrowkeel and met this pair of rare old gents. They told us the story that they had been playmates at school, 60 years ago and had just recently established contact with each other again. We interrupted their walk in this wonderful, sacred and tranquil space but they were very happy to chat and share their story with us. I'm at a loss to remember their names but I was touched by the message that true friendship transcends the ages. I stole this shot as they supported each other on their decent.

Photo: Pretty much off the camera is this one. Lens - 17-200mm @ 140mm. ISO 400. 1/320 @ f/4.


On this day (Thursday 23rd) in 63BC, Caesar Augustus, first Roman Emperor, was born in Rome. 


A long day in the saddle, it was well after dark when I hit Carrick-on-Shannon but had to stretch the legs. I'd forgotten how interesting the waterfront became at night so took a few shots by the marina. Last time I photographed this scene it was under about six feet of water as a result of the November floods. Just a quick snap, I wasn't even bothered by the lens flare. This town has great potential for a night/strobist shoot ... any takers?

Photo: Camera on tripod. Single frame with adjustments made to White Balance in ARC. Lens - 17-55mm @ 52mm. ISO 100. 13 second exposure @ f/10.

I note that Blogspot have made changes to their post editor. The date on a blog post is updated if subsequent edits are added to the original post. Thus the Friday, as opposed to the Thursday date for this post ... hate that!

September 22, 2010


On this day in 1792, The French Republic was proclaimed.


My wife brought Lucky home one Summer's day over 9 years ago. A six-month old pup, he'd been abandoned on the roadside to fend for himself. Everyday when I come down the driveway, he's there to greet me, always welcoming, always happy ... I take it all for granted. He has witnessed every change that took place to the on-going renovations about our home, welcomed our children as the came along and been their friend. He shares his home and food with his life-long companion, Billy (another adoptee) and in turn, they share this place with an assortment of fowl and Coco the cat. Together they all make a happy and harmonious family and it spills into our own, I've never seen them argue or fight, they just get on with it. They are such a part of our family, I can't imagine it without them. The dogs are getting on a bit now, I'm thinking of bringing in some new blood in anticipation of the heart-ache that might follow an unexpected departure. I need to try a bit harder to show my appreciation, they don't ask for much, an occasional pat on the head or to throw a stick. I think I'll go and have a chat with them now. Be good to your pets.

Photo: Title is 'Stand-Off' but these guys are good friends really. Taken for a presentation I gave some months ago as a series of sample shots to demonstrate how depth of field is used to place emphasis on a specific compositional element. Very low angle, I was lying on the ground using Lucky (background) and Coco the cat (foreground) as my models.
Lens - 17-200mm @ 116mm. ISO 400. 1/800 @ f/2.8 Texture added to soften the blue cast and warm this early Spring day.

Heron Stephen Green

Photo: Came across this fellow while walking through St. Stephen's Green yesterday in Dublin. I'd not seen a heron there before but it was a treat. Lens - 70-200mm @ 200mm. ISO 400. 1/500 @ f/2.8 Texture added to warm the scene.

September 21, 2010


On this day in 1968, "All Along the Watchtower" was released by Jimi Hendrix.

Boyle U8 GAA Blitz - Roscommon 2010

Young heroes, Boyle U8 GAA team who took part in a county football blitz in Hyde Park, Roscommon, last Sunday. I believe these lads won 3 out of their 4 games that day. All us parents were very proud. Well done to the Boyle team trainers and organisers of the event for a very efficiently run tournament.
Parents who want the photo can contact me by attaching their email address in the 'comments' area below.

September 20, 2010


On this day in 1891, the first gasoline-powered car debuts in Springfield, Massachusetts, United States.

Fergus Ahern Boyle Arts 2009 3copy

Today, the town of Boyle mourns the passing of one of her finest sons, Fergus Ahern. I am happy to have known and admired him since moving here. His contribution to the development of the Arts and fabric of the community of Boyle cannot be measured easily. His passing is a great loss to us all. My sincere condolences to his wife Marian and his Family.
I took this shot of the great man during the Boyle Arts Festival back in 2009.

Apologies for my absence these past few days.

September 17, 2010


On this day in 1835, Charles Darwins lands on Chatham Galapagos-archipelago.

Pebble Beach

Today was spent looking into a computer screen editing a recent shoot in an attempt to make a deadline. The day came and went quickly, the absence of internet access was a bonus. This is a hasty post, just a little late, but I like the simplicity of it. The kind of thing you'd concentrate on while waiting in a dentist's surgery, something to distract you from the distress that lay ahead. I took it at the weekend on Aughris Head, Co. Sligo.

Photo: Unedited. Lens - 17-55mm. ISO 200. 1/200 @ f/6.3

September 16, 2010


On this day in 1977, Marc Bolan (T. Rex) died in a car accident at the age of 29.


As stated earlier somewhere, I've been mulling over the idea of doing an Ed Ruscha - TwentySix Gasoline Stations set of my own and am currently doing my homework and reviewing sites. In this I hope to follow in the footsteps of the master and photograph all the Petrol Stations between Boyle and my place of work in Dublin. Unlike Ruscha, I'm planning to photograph my stations at night or before dawn, as this is when I usually pass them. This is the drive-through village of Ballinalack on the N4. I've watched it become a vibrant watering hole in recent years.

Photo: Very much a snap-shot, taken from the car between rain showers. I felt it captured that mundane, 'nothing unusual about that' quality that characterised Ruscha's and his contemporaries photos. I think it has taken the difference of 50 years in Ireland to make it look like a scene from the U.S. as Ruscha saw it back in 1962. Maybe that's my point. In any case, Petrol Stations are certainly very much part of our culture at the moment.
Hand-held. 70-200mm lens @ 200mm. ISO 200. 1/640 @ f/6.3

September 15, 2010


On this day in 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic penicillin in the mold Penicillium Notatum.

Trim Castle - Light Study

This morning saw me in the beautiful and historic town of Trim, Co. Meath. It was a cold and blustery start to the day, cloudy for the most part, rain too but the sun did break through on occasion. It wasn't a day for making memorable images, the light was poor but I decided to use it as a way of showing the difference a few seconds can make when you are squaring up to take a shot like this. In this case, the subject is the majestic Trim Castle. Taken a few minutes apart, obviously, the shot on the left was taken in sunlight and on the right, the sky is dull and overcast. I would love to go into a detailed analysis of the light scenario in each case but my time is limited right now, however they illustrate effectively how quickly daylight can change and why sometimes it's worth hanging about to see how changing lighting conditions can effect your subject.

Photos: Images straight from camera, brought through ACR (Adobe Camera RAW) using default settings. Simply cropped in PS. Hand-held, I used a 70-200mm lens @ 90mm.
For both shots, camera set on Aperture Priority f/3.5 and ISO 400. In the case of the Sunny image, shutter speed was 1/2000 and the Cloudy image 1/400. A good example of how increased light enables faster shutter speeds.

September 14, 2010


On this day in 1982, Princess Grace of Monaco died at the age of 52 because of injuries she suffered the day before in a car crash. She was formerly actress Grace Kelly.

GP yeS

As a student, I dated a girl I only saw at weekends as she was in college many miles away. We had to prearrange a time mid-week to be at our mutual, coin-operated public phone boxes to take a brief phone call. That, and the occasional letter, written by desperate, love-struck teenagers, was how we kept in touch. It doesn't seem that long ago, but how our ability to communicate has changed with advances in technology. The latest smart phones never cease to amaze me. You can communicate with your loved ones via SMS, send an email, see them face-to-face via Skype and video phone or simply, make a call ... and that's just for starters. You can browse the internet, take photos, make and edit movies. You can find your way about any city in the world with GPS, what's the weather like now in Singapore? Check your Stock on Wall Street. You can listen to your favourite music, watch a movie, read a good book or play games. The list seems to be endless, and all from a device the size of a packet of cigarettes. Seems to me, we are now very dependant on our mobile phones ... one of these days I'm going to switch mine off for a week just to see how I might survive without it ... one of these days.

Photo: Hand-held, trying out a lens I had forgotten about for a while. If you are looking for an up-grade from a standard kit-lens but can't afford to shell out the big moola for pro glass, then this might be the baby for you. Seriously sharp with VR and a SWM, light and compact, very discreet. The lens, Nikon 16-85mm 3.5-5.6 G ED VR.
ISO 400. 1/100 @ f/5.6

September 13, 2010


On this day in 1503, Michelangelo begins work on his sculpture, David.


Late Post 14/09/10 - One of the spaces where a lot of my time has been spent over the years. It looks like this most of the time I'm afraid and this is after the annual clean-up.

Photo: Confession Those that know me and that have spent time here will understand the title. Lens - Sigma 10-20mm @ 10mm. Flash 1/1 bounced off ceiling to balance the strong light coming from the window and sky-light. ISO 100. 1/13 @ f/11

September 12, 2010


On this day in 1953, Senator John F. Kennedy, 36, marries Jacqueline Bouvier, 24, in St. Mary's RC Church, Newport, Rhode Island. More that 800 guests attended the ceremony.

No Secret

The key has been used as a metaphor for many different things in culture, art, religion and politics. It is a strong and potent symbol and just the one to arouse a sense of curiosity in the viewer with regard to interpreting the narrative and photographers intent. Also it's just a photo of keys in a door.

Photo: 50mm f/1.4 prime lens. ISO 400. 1/160 @ f/2.2

September 11, 2010


On this day in 2001, in the U.S., four airliners were hijacked and were intentionally crashed. In New York City, two airliners hit the World Trade Centre, which collapsed shortly after. One airliner hit the Pentagon in Washington DC and another crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Estimates say that about 3,000 people lost their lives.

Doyles Graiguenamanagh Kilkenny

On Friday, I visited the beautiful village of Graiguenamanagh, Co. Kilkenny. I'd not heard of the place before despite the fact that it is home to Duiske Abbey, the largest and perhaps, finest of the 34 Cistercian Abbeys in Ireland.

Photo: Pretty much the tourist snapshot, this one-stop shop, bar, grocery and hardware retains the characteristics of Irish retail in the pre-supermarket age. Before 1980, it was not at all unusual to have a shop that doubled as a grocery and pub. The most common set were; pub - grocery - animal feed and under-taker. These are pretty much a thing of the past now so it's always up-lifting to find one that has withstood the test of time and the pressures of competing for business against the Spars, Galas and Super Valus. I had some difficulty trying to line-up my horizontals and verticals in-camera, only to realise that there are some structural anomalies in the building which only adds to its appeal:-) Also, we should cast a sympathetic eye on the individual inside the pub door sucking contentedly on his cigarette.
ISO 100. 1/125 @ f/5

September 10, 2010


On this day in 1981, Guernica, probably Picasso's most famous painting, was recieved by the town of Guernica in the Basque region of Spain.


There was a blacksmith's forge at the end of Barrett St. in Ballina, still in operation there when I was a child, I think his name was Ford. I have vivid memories of him and the place. Even at that time, the blacksmiths trade was all but redundant, I guess he was one of the last in the area, replaced by the arc welder and milling machine.
In college we learned to weld with the arc and later when I worked in a foundry in Dublin, welded with MIG and TIG plants.
Picasso was great hero and inspiration to me as a student, particularly his open-form assemblage sculptures made post 1920 with Julio Gonzalez, in fact I wrote my thesis on this subject. In the late 80s, I was collecting old scrap metal and welding it into sculptural forms in an assemblage style and called them 'Agricolas'. I considered it to be a type of drawing in three dimensions and I got a kick out of taking the discarded scrap and turning into art.
The image above invoked this declaration, it's a gate which bridges the gap between two stone pillars on my driveway. It must surely be 80 - 100 years old - it too, made from the discarded pieces in the blacksmiths forge, mostly the flattened iron cart-wheel rims and straps. It is a thing of beauty to me and I'm very fond of it, particularly the face that occupies the centrepiece. This says a great deal about the man that made it; he had a sense of humour, perhaps the artist in him was finding a way to express itself, he had time and was proud of his achievement here, enough to personalise it with his signature.
The Irish landscape is littered with this kind of treasure, often neglected and cast aside, we need to open our eyes now and again to see it and appreciate it.

Photo: 50mm prime lens used here. I wanted to emphasise the sculpted face and used a wide aperture to blur out much of the image. This shot was processed in ARC as a RAW file, nothing else. ISO 200. 1/100 @ f/2

September 9, 2010


On this day in 1956, Elvis makes his first National television appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show.


Just before my departure. A view from the school gate looking towards Main Street in Castleblayney. Some day I may return ... again.

Photo: 70-200mm lens at 200mm. ISO 200. 1/500 @ f/5.6

Donoghues Cootehill 2

Coming through the village of Cootehill early the other morning in the lashing rain, I noticed this little gem on the main street and thought it worth recording. I think it was the care and attention given to the arrangement of the various bottles and jugs, a fine collection of whiskeys indeed. There was a symmetry here, seldom seen in a pub window display, the old net curtain was a background bonus.

Photo: Shot from the open window in the car. Even though my long lens, a nikon 70-200 f/2.8 G VR is very capable of retaining sharpness at slow shutter speeds, I find it performs best at a speed of 1/250 or greater, particularly at the 200mm end. People often complain to me about the lack of sharpness in their long-lens images - most of the time its because the shutter speed is too slow. As a rule-of-thumb (very rough guide here) you will get good results if your minimum shutter speed is similar (or greater than >) to the focal length you are using, i.e. 70mm>1/60, 100mm>1/100, 200mm>1/200.
ISO 400. 1/320 @ f/2.8

September 8, 2010


On this day in 1504, Michelangelo's 'David' was unveiled in Florence.


An Evening Herald small-ad, answered to a postbox number in 1989 would see me living in Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan for five years. I working as a teacher in the local school at a time when people saved, paid rent and teachers were respected. Fresh out of college, I was earning £130.00 a week and could afford to considerably expand my tape collection and make payments on my first car. I loved what I did and the people were friendly. I had a small studio on the second floor of the Credit Union building, just above the doctor’s surgery in Main Street, my pupils parents would sometimes leave apple tarts at my door. At night I had the great and beautiful early Victorian building to myself, I loved it’s great staircase and stained glass windows and although it was in a decrepit state, the rent was cheap and it was close to work.
I had no telly, so at night sometimes I’d go across the road to watch the news in what was then The Central Hotel, life was very simple … and I loved it. Last-night I found myself back in ‘Blayney. Unfortunately, The Central Hotel is no longer there, however ‘Mr K’s’ was very cosy. I had a room that looked across at my old home and I was unable to stop the memories coming.

Photo: Hotel room in Castleblayney, looking across Main Street. The yellow halogen street lights filter through the window and create an interesting contrast and play of light and colour between the tv screen and bathroom. I set the camera on the tripod and squared-up the verticals. I used a wide-angle lens at 10mm and fired with a cable release.
Mirror-lock in up position. White Balance on manual set to 2500k (as low as the Nikon D300 goes I’m afraid). ISO 100. 10 seconds @ f/13. Tweaked a little in ARC.

September 7, 2010


On this day in 1998, Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two students at Stanford University.


Back on the road today, its difficult to try and capture the mood of driving in rain with a still image, particularly when you're behind the wheel ... no complaints, camera mounted on tripod and cable-release used. The change in the weather in just a few days is so dramatic, I couldn't let it go. I'm not really looking forward to the many hours I'll spend looking at the arses of cars ahead of me in the coming months, I need to work out how best to be productive with the time.

Photo: ISO 100. 0.6 seconds @ f/22

September 6, 2010


On this day in 1620, The Mayflower left Plymouth, England with pilgrims to settle in the New World.

Carrowkeel Ponies

Although the sunshine this past week seems to have faded, it was still a good day to be out in the hills. The Murphy's headed for Carrowkeel, a neolithic Passage Grave cemetery in the Bricklieve Mountains. This is really a magical place, apart from the very significant archaeology, the wild mountain landscape gives breath-taking views across the mid-lands and into the North and West of Ireland.

Photo: There are horses all over this landscape, as well as sheep, goats and donkeys. This shot was a lucky snatch, the dark rain clouds in the background were five minutes away from off-loading on top of us. While framing the shot, a burst of sunlight illuminated the foreground for a couple of seconds, creating that contrast - just lucky. No more than I could control the weather, I was not able to get those horses to cooperate and line out any better than this. Still, the light in the image has qualities that I like and the passage tomb in the background makes for a dramatic secondary point of interest.
ISO 100. 1/80 @ f/8

September 5, 2010


On this day in 1997, Mother Teresa dies in Calcutta, India. She was 87.

Not a Bite in Sight

Photography is a little like fishing, you can go out all day looking for the shot and come home with nothing. Today I took the rod and tackle to Cavetown Lake just outside Boyle, didn't even get a sniff of a fish ... so I took a photo instead.

Photo: Direct from camera, no colour adjustment.
ISO 100. 1/250 @ f/2.8

September 4, 2010


On this day in 1888, George Eastman registered the name 'KODAK' and patented his roll-film camera. The camera took 100 exposures per roll.

Warp Speed in The Woods

In the days of film, there was always a great sense of anticipation and surprise (or disappointment) when you processed and printed your negatives. The instantaneous visual result that comes with digital photography, via the LCD display, often takes the surprise element out of the equation regarding image making. I guess its a reflection of the society we live in, the desire and need for instant results.
There are certain techniques in digital photography that in some way produce visual results that are both surprising and unpredictable. One of my favourite shooting modes is extended exposures (slow shutter speeds), usually drawn upon in low-light situations such as concerts and nightscapes. Having an extended exposure duration (anything longer than 1/2 second is a long time in photography) can give you a chance to experiment with other aspects of your lens zoom functions. To be honest, I don't know what the technique is called but it involves pulling/pushing the zoom ring on your lens during the exposure period. I usually refer to it as 'lens-zoom', please correct me if you know the appropriate terminology.
The above shot, taken this evening as the sun was setting near my home, is an example of the technique. Don't be misled here, there are a multitude of possible results depending on camera settings, the zoom range and the speed at which you push/pull the zoom ring. This is a fun way to explore the abstract and energetic visual possibilities of digital photography and it does have serious applications, especially when combined with fill-flash. If you are thinking of attending one of my Digital SLR Photography classes in the future, you will learn all about this ... guaranteed!

Photo: 'Warp Speed' - Looking through trees at sunset. I was too late for the shot I intended to take so used the time to experiment with the available light. At sunset (when you arrive late) you're working in seconds, not minutes or hours, the light changes very, very fast! I shot about 10 frames on this occasion, some pushing, others pulling on the zoom ring and varying the shutter speed. Fun for all of two minutes. In the end, I settled on this shot, blown highlights and all. Will be better when I plan it in the future. Try it and lets see how ye get on.
ISO 200. 1 second @ f/2.8. Zoom ring pushed (from 55mm position to 17mm position during exposure). The image was processed in ARC without alteration. Star Wars: I love you still!

September 3, 2010


In 1752, this day never happened nor the next 10 as England adopts the Gregorian Calendar. There were riots in the streets as people thought the government stole 11 days of their lives.

Thursday Night Boyle

A very hot day today in Ireland, what a great beginning to Autumn. Afraid I saw little of it though, I'm spending my days editing a serious back-log of photo projects and no end in sight any time soon. Didn't stop me tonight though. This one taken from The Crescent in Boyle at about 9.30pm when there was still a little light in the sky.

Photo: This is an in-camera multiple exposure of 10 shots. You need a perfectly still night and a lot of weight on your tripod to do this with a long lens. If you live in Boyle, expect to see me about in the coming nights as I intend to collect a few of these this week.
ISO 100. 10 x 10 second exposures (combined = 100 seconds) @ f/14

September 2, 2010


On this day in 1945, Japan surrendered to the U.S. aboard the USS Missouri, ending World War II. The war ended six years and one day after it begun.

Boyle at Night

It's amazing how the absence of daylight transforms familiar locations. I must say, I love the challenges posed by low-light/no-light photography. On this occasion however, I must commend the technology and its ability to capture the scene as you see it above. This is a single exposure, not bracketed or enhanced. Processing involved a white balance tweak in ACR and an adjustment to the Curve, otherwise it's as the camera captured it. I think this is the first time I've used a long lens in low-light, usually extended focal lengths can be problematic regarding camera shake, however tonight was calm and without wind. The river that flows through Boyle is a great location for this type of shot, especially on a night like this.

Photo: Boyle at Night, shot on tripod, mirror-lock in UP position and using a cable-release. Focus; Manual. ISO 100. 6 second exposure @ f/9

September 1, 2010


On this day in 1939, German armed forces invaded Poland and heralded the beginning of World War II.

Cornameeltha Cattle

Good weather continues, a nicely diffused lazy, hazy light. The colours of the landscape about Cornameeltha, Boyle are changing and the ditches are bursting with wild Autumn fruit. I'm running out of time to enjoy this though ... the city beckons and I'll soon be back on the road very soon.

Photo: Taken this morning on a short walk near home in the Curlew Mountains, Brendan's cattle I think.
ISO 100. 1/1000 @ f/2.8